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Imperva Solutions for Higher Education

FinancialSecurity breaches are a growing concern for higher education institutions. Universities are rich targets that accumulate financial and personal information about thousands of enrolling students and staff members every year. In the past year alone, a number of leading institutions had fallen victim to data breaches that exposed the personal information of students, employees and alumni:

In April 2011 the U.S. Department of Education announced a series of initiatives to safeguard student privacy. Educational agencies and institutions must provide students with access to their education records, but should not release student records or share them with other agencies without the student's consent. Controls are required to ensure that only authorized personnel can access student records, and all access is audited.

Universities, colleges and other High Education institutions need to implement controls to mitigate risks associated with vulnerable databases and web-facing applications and protect these systems against unauthorized access and malicious attacks.

Leading educational institutions are using Imperva's market-leading data security solutions to: