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Imperva Solutions for Healthcare

FinancialHealthcare Providers process and store vast amounts of sensitive information such as PHI (Protected Healthcare Information), credit cards, personal, and business financials. There is a need to protect this sensitive data from careless and malicious insiders, identity thieves, and those looking to make a profit from information theft and fraud. In addition to security concerns, there are numerous regulations such as the ARRA-HITECH Act of 2009, HIPAA, PCI, Sarbanes-Oxley, and new state privacy laws that must be managed.

Imperva understands the challenges intrinsic to protecting PHI and other sensitive data across a broad provider network and even broader medial ecosystem. In addition to sensitive data protection which generally revolves around database security, there is also a need to address the ever growing number of convenience web portals used for everything from B2B to customer self service. This requires web application security. Finally, healthcare providers continue to have tighter IT security budgets compared to other industries and employees responsible for security often are responsible for multiple domains. Thus they need to address database and web application security with automated, easy-to-use and maintain solutions that can efficiently and effectively provide protection without additional resources.