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Imperva Industry Solutions

Imperva understands the unique data security and compliance challenges that individual industries face. That's why we have tailored solutions to meet specific industry needs. Imperva industry solutions can help your business assess, monitor, and protect your most critical assets.


Energy Today's utilities and oil and gas companies must tackle a growing number of regulations, meet heightened security demands, and increase customer satisfaction. With Imperva, energy companies can protect customer data, secure their infrastructure, and address NERC CIP compliance.

Financial Services

Financial Services Reduce the risk of a data breach or internal abuse while meeting multiple compliance regulations, such as SOX, JSOX, GLBA, CA SB 1386 and BASEL II, with the trusted leader in application and database security.

Government: Federal

Federal Databases, file servers and web applications are a critical and indispensable part of the U.S. government, and its military organizations', IT infrastructure. For hackers and malicious insiders these data repositories and the sensitive data they host represent an opportunity to capture valuable data or launch a cyber attack.

Government: State and Local

State and Local Government Essential services provided by state and local government agencies rely on sensitive information stored in databases and files, and processed by various web applications. Today, more than ever, government agencies are expected to protect personally identifiable information.


Healthcare Advancements in digitization and information sharing portals are converging with threats to PHI (Protected Healthcare Information) and government regulations. This convergence is causing healthcare providers to enhance their security and compliance strategies – especially as it relates to sensitive data protection.

Higher Education

Higher Education Universities, colleges and other High Education institutions should understand the risks associated with vulnerable databases, file servers and web-facing applications and protect these systems against unauthorized access and malicious attacks.


Insurance Protect confidential customer records from compromise and solve multiple compliance regulations with Imperva. Find out why leading healthcare, auto and life insurance companies turn to Imperva SecureSphere to safeguard their Web applications and databases.

Retail and E-commerce

Retail and E-commerce Delivering ultra-high performance and drop-in deployment and addressing eight of the twelve high-level PCI DSS requirements, including sections 3.4, 6.6 and 10, Imperva SecureSphere is the easy choice for securing retail applications and data.