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Database Security
Best-in-Class Database Auditing and Protection

SecureSphere Database Security
Imperva Appliances
Hardware Appliances
Virtual Appliances
SecureSphere Database Security solutions secure sensitive data stored in databases. SecureSphere provides full visibility into data usage, vulnerabilities and access rights. It enables security, audit and risk professionals to improve data security and meet compliance mandates.

Unique to the industry, SecureSphere enables customers to optimize the deployment of database security solutions by combining remote assessment scans, agent-based monitoring and network activity monitoring. Agents can be used for monitoring local privileged activity exclusively, or for monitoring all database activity.

SecureSphere Data Protection Solutions

Data Protection and Compliance

SecureSphere data protection solutions address all aspects of database security and compliance with database auditing and real-time protection that will not impact performance or availability.

Big Data Security

SecureSphere Database Firewall keeps your organization out of the news with datacenter security that can see all traffic, reduce exposure of unpatched database servers, and stop advanced targeted attacks.

Database Assessment

You can’t protect against problems if you don’t know they exist. SecureSphere Database Assessment solves that issue by quickly identifying sensitive data, database vulnerabilities and misconfigurations so that you can prioritize and mitigate them.

Database Security Add-Ons

User Rights Management for Databases

User Rights Management for Databases helps you establish an automated process for access rights reviews, and demonstrate compliance with regulations such as SOX and PCI DSS.

ADC Insights

ADC Insights streamlines compliance and security efforts with predefined, application-specific policies and reports for regulations such as SOX, PCI DSS, and HIPAA.